World Vegan Month – Could you and your dog take the vegan pledge?

November is World Vegan Month, where celebrities, businesses and everyday folk can take the vegan pledge for a week or a month, and see what it’s like to be vegan!

“I love animals…. but I could never give up meat” is something a lot of people say to me when they find out I am vegan.

Similarly “I have been vegetarian for years… but I just can’t live without cheese” is what a lot of my veggie friends have declared.

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Boxing Clever: Our New Packaging

It’s been an exciting few months of Joey and I – we have expended into wholesale and our web-shop is doing better than ever. Since we started two years ago all our orders have been sent in re-used packaging, we have been collecting boxes and packets from neighbours and friends, and it has worked very well. However, now we are sending out more orders than we can find boxes for – so we have had to buy our own boxes for the first time.

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